Welcome to the Cary Photographic Artists’ website!

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We are Cary Photographic Artists and we strive to learn, teach and share our passion for creating Photographic Art.

CPA Meeting Dates

Wednesday, March 12th - 7:00 - In Person
Herb Young Community Center
Seasons of Light: Photographing the Beauty of Lake Jordan

by Jim Trull


Wednesday, March 26th - 7:00 - Zoom

Preparation of jpegs for digital exhibition by Kenny McKeithan

From the President:

March is the month to prepare for entering your images in the Digital Juried Exhibit. The deadline is not until April 15, but the program committee has set a date at the end of March for a critique to help you prepare your images. The format will be similar to the monthly critiques that have always been very helpful for my images. Please be aware of the Members Exhibit at Halle Cultural Arts Center in Apex. This exhibit presents the opportunity to expand on the annual Members Exhibit at Cary Arts Center as we will have more wall space for the Halle show. Look for the details on the opposite side of this page. All the best and GET OUT THERE AND MAKE PHOTOGRAPHS!

Henry Rinne, President

Request for Photos - Juried Show

The 5th Annual Juried Digital Photographic Exhibit submission period is now open. Don’t let time creep up on you. You don’t have to be a member of CPA to submit.


• Entries and payment will be through CaFE only and will open on March 1 and close on April 15th.

• The exhibit will open online on May 10.

• There will be two categories for judging— COLOR and MONOCHROME.

• We will display 50 images selected by the jurors in an Exhibitors’ Gallery on the Cary Photographic Artists website

• An on-line Zoom awards ceremony with comments by the jurors will be held on May 8.

• Judging will be done by Jamie Konarski Davidson and Matt Payne.

Request for Photos - Member Show

We are pleased to announce an exhibit at the Halle Cultural Arts Center, Apex running from Friday, April 4th through Friday, May 30th, 2025. The Exhibits Committee will accept submissions for this exhibit on a first-come, first-accepted basis from March 1st through March 19th. We anticipate being able to display 30-40 images. Notification of artists whose work has been accepted will be emailed on March 21st. Each member may submit up to two photographs for this exhibit, listed as Priority 1 and Priority 2. We will include second photographs if we don't fill the 30-40 spaces with Priority 1 images. The Halle Center has established a maximum frame width limit of 24 inches for each image. All accepted works need to be brought to the Halle Cultural Center on Tues, April 1 between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. A Meet the Artist reception will be held at the venue on Friday, April 4 th , 6:00 - 8:00pm. Send submissions to jab1216@hotmail.com with “CPA Halle Exhibition” in the email's subject line. See more info in the March Newsletter on the opposite side of this page.

Wednesday, March 12th
In-Person - 7:00-9:00
Seasons of Light: Photographing the Beauty of Lake Jordan by Jim Trull

Herb Young Community Center

Wednesday, September 11

Lewis Katz
Fundamentals of Digital Printing

Discover the magic of photographing close to home at Lake Jordan, where each sunrise brings new light, color, and atmosphere. This presentation by Jim Trull explores a year of shooting at the lake, showcasing the ever-changing conditions, from misty mornings to golden reflections, and the subtle beauty that unfolds through the seasons. Learn how to embrace familiar landscapes with fresh eyes and capture the tranquility that nature offers just beyond your doorstep. Jim will also share how he created a photo magazine of a group of triathletes who would swim 2-3 miles in the lake every Friday morning at sunrise regardless of the weather.

Wednesday, March 26th

Preparation of jpegs for digital exhibition by Kenny McKeithan

Zoom only - 7:00

The purpose of this activity is to provide CPA members with preview critiques of the images they intend to submit for the Juried Digital Photographic Exhibit (see details in the exhibit section of the newsletter). The motto on Kenny's website reads "Helping You Become A Better Photographer”. Kenny McKeithan conducts in-the-field workshops in the Southeastern United States and the east coast. This is the first time we are providing zoom preview critiques in advance of the digital exhibit by a non-CPA member. This will require some specific guidelines for CPA members' submission to match Kenny's Zoom arrangements. During the week of March 3-9, emails will be sent to CPA members describing the format/parameters needed to send images for the critiques.