CPA - 2nd Annual “Digital” Exhibition 2022 -
Best In Show - The Gaze - Jelisa Peterson - I made my image, “The Gaze” in a special place which has become dear to my heart, Ilha de Moçambique, Mozambique Island. I have been visiting with some regularity since 2003. I created this picture in 2020 on my last trip to the island. I’ve made many friends and gotten to know the place well. This familiarity has allowed me to have access to many more areas outside of the public realm, in homes and other private spaces. “Ilha” doesn’t get cold unless there is a heavy storm and in fact is quite hot and humid most of the year. But sometimes in the very early hours of morning, there can be a slight chill in “winter” months. The young boy featured in the image, Abdul, had wrapped fabric around himself as he woke up in the morning. He still was tired and a little groggy. Abdul was lying on his stoop covered up in a piece of fabric called a “capulana”. A capulana is a piece of cotton material that some viewers may already be familiar with. (It is called various other names depending on where you are on the African continent.) They are the typically brightly colored and patterned material that women and girls are commonly clothed in as dresses, skirts and head wraps.
1st Place Color - When One Door Opens... - Jo Bolton - Although I took many “snapshots” throughout my life, my real photographic journey started in 2009 when my work required photographs of real estate listings with the company’s DSLR camera. Since then, I have become a constant, mostly self taught, student of Photography, both technically and creatively. While I find the technical aspect of photography (aperture, ISO, shutter speed) a necessary evil of this medium, my favorite activities involve pressing the shutter and post processing a singular image or a set of images into an interesting composite. When One Door Opens....Is a composite of 3 images, all my own. The image sets up a story that can be interpreted in many different ways. What do you see?
1st Place Monochrome - Into Dreamtime - Michael Potts - Mike grew up in Pennsylvania and in 2005 moved to Arizona where he’s rarely cold and doesn't have to shovel snow or cut grass. He graduated from Bucknell University with a major in English and a minor in Chemistry and still wonders what to do with them. He worked at Barnes & Noble for four years and currently pays the bills as a nuclear medicine technologist. This lets him photograph on the side without having to resort to living on ramen and sleeping on friends’ couches. The rest of his time is devoted to various cats (2 indoor and 4 outdoor + the occasional guest as of the time of this writing.) His ultimate dream would be to visit Mars. In the meantime he keeps making pictures. "Into Dreamtime" is one of the peaceful pieces of my "Dreamtime" series. It captures a frozen moment of meditation or peaceful descent, much as we attempt to capture when we meditate, pray, or are drifting off to sleep.
2nd Place Color - Am I Still Dreaming? - Mary Eileen Carson - My interest in photography started in 1996 after a job transfer to Harrisburg, PA. Tired of career-related classes, I found a Black & White Photography course open at the local community college. I bought a used camera (film back then), found I was “hooked” and completed more classes. Then life and career intervened. So, I waited until retirement (2013), enrolled in new photography classes (digital now!) and have been shooting ever since. Am I Still Dreaming is a composite that combines a blurred image and an unblurred image of a woman searching. For me, the spiral staircase and the blurred surroundings create a dark and emotional state.
2nd Place Monochrome - Cloud Gate, The Bean - Henry Rinne - In 2018, I retired as Dean of the College of Fine Arts at Jacksonville University in Florida, after a forty year career in higher education. My interest in photography began when I watched prints emerge in the developer in my father’s dark room. Black & white has always been my primary focus in landscape, street, and portraiture, allowing for the creation of dramatic forms in post-processing. Cloud Gate, the Bean was the result of an early morning walk in downtown Chicago. The jet taking off from O’Hare was a nice bonus. I love the reflections in the surface as they contrast with the architecture in the background.
3rd Place Color - Stairway to a View - Jim Trull - I became interested in photography because my father always seemed to have his trusty Rolleiflex camera draped across his back. As a kid my brother and I had a darkroom in our basement. As I grew up and started my family and a new business, photography took a back seat. A few years ago I realized how much I missed the creative process of photography and I decided to get back into it and learn how to make more compelling images. I enjoy being out in nature especially at the beginning of a new day when it is quiet and I can enjoy the beauty of creation. I also enjoy the challenge of shooting street photography, that was introduced to me by friends in our camera club. They both allow me time outside and provide me a nice break from work. My image was taken at Currituck Beach Lighthouse in Corolla along the Outer Banks. I have seen this image from other photographers at this lighthouse although I had never taken the shot myself. I was near the top of the stairs of the lighthouse and I simply pointed the camera down to the bottom floor. The light that afternoon was marvelous and I was blessed to be there to capture it.
3rd Place Monochrome - Eastern Oregon #88 - Eliot Allen - Eliot Allen is an urban planner and photographer living in Portland Oregon, where he first worked as a photographer's assistant at Photo-Art Studios. His images of the U.S., Asia, Europe, and Latin America prior to 2000 are in 35mm film, and 35 mm digital since 2000. His work has been shown in galleries nationally, and reproduced by the Jones Soda Company. Easter Oregon #88 is a detail of the Mid-Columbia Producers grain elevator in Wasco, Oregon, taken in August 2021.
Honorable Mention Color - Pungo Sunrise - Alan Clark -Alan Clark is an award-winning fine art landscape and nature photographer based in Raleigh. Photo description - With evening weather reports predicting fog the following morning in eastern North Carolina, I arose several hours later at 3:00 am to travel to the Pungo Unit of Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge in hopes of capturing a soft and moody sunrise. I encountered this idyllic scene of wintering tundra swans just stirring in the gentle light of dawn.
Honorable Mention Monochrome - Street Boys of Agra India - Robert Blum I have been taking pictures for over 70 years. I started at the age of nine with a Baby Brownie Special. When I retired in 2008, I joined a photography workshop in the American Southwest. That experience ignited a flame in me to become more serious about photography. Over the past several years I have traveled to many out of the way places, including the Antarctic Peninsula, Bali, Borneo, Cuba, Ethiopia, the Falkland Islands, Iceland, Madagascar, Morocco, Namibia, Myanmar, Nepal, Romania, South Africa, South Georgia, Tibet, Uganda, Uzbekistan and Zambia, settings where I especially enjoy taking pictures of people.
Honorable Mention Monochrome - Soapuccino - Jaime Nisenbaum - Jaime is a clinical psychologist and experimental photographer based in Berkeley, California. A photographer colleague and I set up monthly photography challenges. This time it was shutter speed below 1/30th of a second. It was mid-winter and 20F outside. I needed to do this image at home. I love water. I thought kitchen sink. I thought of dishes. The water from the faucet hitting the bowl full of water didn’t create enough texture. I added soap. Voila!
Honorable Mention - Monochrome - Streets of NYC - Barney Koszalka - Barney’s photography work has been recognized by the Sierra Club, the North American Nature Photography Association, The Comedy Wildlife Awards competition and by numerous Explorer designations in Flickr, as well as awards in Wildlife, Landscape and Plant Life by the Carolinas’ Nature Photographers Association. His astrophotography work has also been featured in EarthSky News and several of his studio art photographs done for local artists has appeared in a variety of advertising venues and craft books. This image is part of a black and white America’s City Streets Project he began just over a year ago. It was taken in NYC on 42nd St shortly after a storm passed through. The base image was captured as a five shot HDR with a 6-stop NDF on a D850 Nikon camera.
Honorable Mention Color - New Morning, Many Memories Later - Susanne Swing Thompson - It began at our cabin in Ohio, walking the path to White Oak Creek. It was there that I learned to see and to be. I watched as shadows and light played through the large windows of the cabin throughout the day. Other paths were later taken: doing public relations, being a mom, and working as a teacher. While in a hard season, I picked up my camera and began walking the same route every day, seeking God in the details and solace in my steps. That habit set me on the path of photographing nature, people, stories, intricacies… parts of everyday life. Finally, I slowed down again and saw what had always been there. Just like I used to do.“New Morning, Many Memories Later” was taken as the morning sun cast light and shadow upon a weathered door of an old Florida cottage…a place where my friend and I have vacationed four times, and, I assume, people have over the decades. It caught my eye, and I laid on the floor to photograph it.
CPA - 2nd Annual “Digital” Exhibition 2022 -
Japanese House - Robert Culver
Polarities - Caroline Dejeneffe
Castle on a Hill - Walter Ballard
Second Shift - John Diephouse
Cracking Under Pressure - John Diephouse
Industrial Dawn - Jennifer Eddins
Safety First - Michael Everett-Patriquin
Ascension - Dave Hanson
Gentoo Penguin in Falling Snow - Keith Kennedy
Farrington Point Boat Ramp - Jon Meyer
Photos - Katherine Morris
A Crowded Start - Paul Murray
Reflection - Michael Potts
Hay Rake - Brian Raia
Trying - Preeti Schaden
Fairies - Foad Seyed Mohammadi
Let the Light Shine - Raymond Tice
Shanghai Card Player - Nicholas Verna
Winter Stare - American Bison - Roger Applegate
Beyond the Mist - Myles Barfield
Old Cowboy Church, Cloudcroft, NM - John Benigno
Everything's Possible - Jonathan Brooks
Innocence, Observing - Emily Christianson
Swan Quarter Harbor - Alan Clark
Three on a Screen - Fran DeRespinis
Cloud Chasing - Fran DeRespinis
Losing My Religion 2 - Jennifer Eddins
Old and New_One Manhattan - Barney Koszalka
Orangutan - Donald MacDonald
The Three Faces of Eve - Jon Meyer
Lifeguard Chairs - Harry O'Connor
Heads in the Sand - Jelisa Peterson
Dismal Day and High Water - Brian Raia
Shoes, Mordecai House, Raleigh, NC - Henry Rinne
Dark Beauty - Laura K Lloyd
Sun Stripes - William Stewart
Parisian Cafe - William Stewart
On the Run - Kent Youngblood